Kalpana Chawla Space Academy (KCSA) is a first-of-its-kind institution offering space and science-centred education to children, aimed at creating next-generation space scientists for India. KCSA was conceived and developed by Shri Narayan Bhargava, Chairman of Narayan Bhargava Group. He created a vision for KCSA to nurture children to become world-class space scientists for India and devised a Nation Building Mission to implement the project and forge alliances for the project. The KCSA project is dedicated to his parents, Late Smt Shakuntala Shukdeo Bhargava and Late Shri Shukdeo Kedarnath Bhargava.
The academy infrastructure is developed at the acclaimed Adv. Bapusaheb Bhonde High School in the picturesque Lonavala basin, Maval Taluka, of Poona District, administered under the Vidya Niketan Education Trust in collaboration with the Narayan Bhargava Foundation. The institution aims to inspire and nurture students selected from across India at a young age to be developed into future space enthusiasts, researchers and scientists serving India. The pedagogy adopted includes minimal classroom teaching with a maximum focus on activity-based experiential learning with a focus on learning outcomes.
A team of eminent advisors, including ISRO scientists and educationists, support the program's mission of nurturing students at an early age for India’s space sector.
For more information, please visit www.kcsa.org.in